A health plan that may actually give you money back? Nice.*


Now more than ever, businesses are looking for new ways to manage their most critical expenses, like employee health benefits. Unlike traditional health plans, UnitedHealthcare Level Funded by All Savers® is designed to give you moreways to save—including a possible surplus refund at year-end if employee medical claims are lower than expected.*

In fact, more than a third of All Savers small business customers in Colorado received a surplus refund in 2019,1 the average of which was


Designed for more savings, freedom and simplicity

With UnitedHealthcare Level Funding by All Savers, your business:

May be eligible for lower premium taxes and exemption from most Affordable Care Act regulations and state insurance mandates.

Is supported by a dedicated local team to help manage your plan with enhanced reporting, customer service and simplified refund accounting.

Is free to choose from a variety of plan designs, with access to a nationwide network of 1M+ doctors and health care professionals and 6K+ hospitals.²

Is protected from unexpected high medical claims with stop loss insurance.

May be eligible for a surplus refund at the end of the year if medical claims are lower than expected.*

Is eligible for Packaged Savings® and combined billing when you offer a UnitedHealthcare specialty plan like vision or dental alongside your medical plan.

Programs built to help employees get healthier available at no additional cost

HealthiestYou Virtual Care

HealthiestYou™ gives employees 24/7 mobile access to doctors who can diagnose and prescribe with no member consult fees or employer cost share.

Learn more

UnitedHealthcare Motion

With Motion, participants completecertain daily walking goals and may earn up to $1,000 for their healthsavings account (HSA).

Learn more

Real Appeal

With 1-on-1 and live group onlinecoaching, Real Appeal® gives employees up to a full year ofsupport for weight loss.

Learn more


Encourage your employees tobecome healthier. Rally® helps employees set wellness goalsand earn rewards when theyreach them.

Learn more

Learn more about UnitedHealthcare Level Funding by All Savers and how it compares to a traditional (fully insured) plan to find the right fit for your business.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, but they differ from a purely self-funded arrangement in important ways. All Savers plans provide additional protection from large catastrophic medical claims with a stop loss insurance policy. So you won’t have to pay more for medical claims throughout the year or at the end of your plan year, even if you have high medical claims costs. 

Your costs don't change month to month. All Savers locks in a level-funded monthly payment for the plan year, regardless of your actual employee medical claims.

Your fixed monthly payment goes toward 3 things:

  1. Your health plan that pays employees’ covered medical expenses. Every month, when you send in your regular payment, part of it is set aside to pay for your employees’ covered medical bills. In other words, when your employees go to the doctor, their eligible medical claims are paid straight from the money that was set aside. If the money that goes in during the year is more than what comes out, you may get money back after you renew your plan. If your employees have low medical claims, that refund could be substantial. 
  2. Administrative services for your plan, including employee onboarding, customer service, billing and claims processing, all done for you.
  3. A stop-loss insurance policy that protects your business if claims are higher than expected.

Every month when you make your payment, part of it goes toward stop loss insurance. This provides coverage for unexpected high medical claims.

Yes. And they’re included in your plan at no additional cost to you or your employees. Because they’re designed to help your employees get healthier, they may help lower medical claims and provide more savings for everyone.

The 2 biggest reasons: more potential savings and more control. With a fully insured plan, your health care costs are based on a wider pool, including businesses that may have higher overall medical claims. All Savers is based only on your employees’ medical claims. So when their medical claims are lower than expected, you may get a potential surplus refund at year-end.

And when you have a self-funded plan like All Savers, your business may be exempt from many Affordable Care Act regulations and state insurance mandates that can be costly for some small businesses. You may also pay lower premium taxes.

With a variety of plan designs and provider networks available, All Savers can be truly customized to fit your business. It’s worth your time to compare these health plans with your traditional (fully insured) plan to see which may be the better fit.

Get a no-obligation quote

With a variety of plan designs and provider networks available, UnitedHealthcare Level Funding by All Savers can be truly customized to fit yourbusiness. It’s worth your time to compare All Savers with your traditional (fully insured) plan to see which may be the better fit.