Personalized member view

Our Advocate dashboard helps us maintain continuous, one-on-one relationships with our members. We have access to their medical history, preferences, and behaviors, so members may not have to reintroduce themselves every time they call. More natural conversations open the door to opportunities that may lower costs, lead to better outcomes, and create a more personal experience.

Advocate Dashboard

See how the dashboard helps our advocates know the member, and the impact it can have to help deliver a better experience.

Dashboard features

Caller Profile

Features preferred name, reason for call, Net Promoter Score® emoticons, date and details of last call, flagged action items, communication preferences, birthday reminders and personal notes to guide the flow of the conversation and build a more personalized experience.

Commitments, Tools & Resources

To help streamline the process, the dashboard also provides quicker links to other systems and information the Advocate might need, for things like eligibility information, program enrollment, and secure email. A flag will display if there are open or overdue commitments the Advocate may need to resolve.

Care Path Opportunities

Displays the top three clinical opportunities within clinical programs, health education and decision support, pharmacy, and cost savings, helping Advocates educate members about gaps in care.

Health Spend and Provider Details

Displays the five most recent claims and includes Advocate Alerts, which can highlight opportunities to encourage members to stay in-network. Advocates are given links to provider information and cost tools, such as seeing the average cost for each service based on a member’s location.

Health Assessments and Incentives

Displays the member’s three most recently completed activities, self-reported health assessment, and related incentives and rewards.

Covered Family Members

Provides information about a member’s covered family members and a summary of benefit. This is especially helpful when a member is calling on behalf of their covered spouse or child.